Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ax is learning fast.

Ax Came to us Thursday evening February 27. He is enjoying all the dog beds throughout the house. He is great company for our sweet Kiddy. With the good weather he has full access to coming and going inside & out at his leisure. Loves laying in the sun with Kiddy in our glass sunroom.  Ax has not tried to counter surf. He has calmed down with so much space to roam around. He sleeps well at night and understands some verbal commands. Like do you want to go outside, outside prompts him to go to the back door.  Get your baby, prompts him to get a toy.  He is still learning his name. He's starting to come when you call his name.

Friday, January 15, 2016


D Ark Ax  has found the bucket of things that squeak and has been in heaven.  He chooses an item gently,  moves it to the nearby bed,  then attacks with vigor!  The happiness shows on his face while he squeaks away.